The Center for Biological Diversity trumpeted a court ruling Monday that denied an appeal by Westlands Water District of a previous ruling that kiboshed the district’s “validation” action to have its contract for federal water converted from a term contract to a permanent one. “Once again the courts have ruled that these schemes to lock…
by Jesse Vad, SJV Water
The state Department of Water Resources (DWR) announced Wednesday, Jan. 26, that it will increase water allocations from 5% to 30% thanks to the recent storms that doused California with rain and snow.  The new allocation comes out to 1.27 million acre feet for the State Water Project and 29 of its public water agencies,…
In California’s byzantine water world, some water districts are, apparently, more equal than others, to paraphrase George Orwell. That appears to be the case in the federally operated Central Valley Project, particularly when it comes to two main sets of water districts: the San Joaquin River Exchange Contractors and the Friant Contractors. On Feb. 27,…
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